• +44 7 999 578 700
  • dr.stefan.kolimechkov@gmail.com
  • London, United Kingdom

Professional Boards

  • International Federation of Physical and Sports Education
    FIEPS Vice President of FIEPS Europe for Western Europe since 2021

Professional Memberships

  • American College of Sports Medicine Member
    ACSM Member of the American College of Sports Medicine since 2020
  • European College of Sport Science Fellow
    ECSS Fellow of the European College of Sport Science since 2017
  • Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity
    CIMSPA Chartered Member of the Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity since 2020
  • Member of the European Register of Exercise Professionals
    EREPS Member of the European Register of Exercise Professionals since 2014
  • British Gymnastics Gold Member
    British Gymnastics British Gymnastics Member since 2013