Dr Stefan Kolimechkov



STK SPORT is a brand of the Kensington & Chelsea Gymnastics Academy Ltd. It contains of my initials STK, and it highlights my personal contribution and achievements in the area of gymnastics and sports science.

Stefan Kolimechkov - British Gymnastics Champion

Dr Stefan Kolimechkov

Age: 37
Nationality: naturalised British citizen
Education: PhD in Physical Education
Born in: Bulgaria
Lives in: London, United Kingdom
Position: Director of Kensington & Chelsea Gymnastics Academy Ltd
Occupation: Personal Trainer / Gymnastics Coach
Head Office: Niddry Lodge, 51 Holland Street, Kensington, London W8 7JB, UK

Stefan Kolimechkov - Artistic Gymnastics


To help people recognise and experience the joy of doing gymnastics in order to sustain a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

Gymnastics Coach Stefan Kolimechkov


To make the Kensington & Chelsea Gymnastics Academy and my personal brand STK SPORT recognisable symbols of excellence within the health and fitness industry, based on positive individualised practical experience for every client, backed up by solid scientific knowledge, which is constantly acquired by continuing professional development.

Stefan Kolimechkov


In addition to information about my services, I would like this website to be my legacy of love and passion towards sport and health, my little, but unique mark in the world.

Who is

Stefan Kolimechkov

I am a qualified gymnastics coach with more than 20 years of experience in practising gymnastics, and 15 years of coaching gymnastics. I have been teaching gymnastics here in London since January 2013 when I moved to the UK from Bulgaria. My real passions in life are gymnastics, scientific research, and my genuine curiosity towards slowing the agеing process. I obtained my PhD degree in Pedagogy of Physical Education from the Department of Physiology and Biochemistry at the National Sports Academy, Bulgaria in 2018. My Doctoral thesis was on the benefits of doing gymnastics in primary school age. Overall, my research focuses on assessing health-related physical fitness, as well as areas within the field of sports medicine and exercise sciences. I have spoken at many international academic conferences in sports medicine and exercise science around the world, including the United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Luxembourg, Spain, Czech Republic, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey. I have been the Vice President of FIEPS Europe (International Federation of Physical Education and Sport) for Western Europe since 2021. I have been recognised as a Fellow of the European College of Sport Science (FECSS) by the Credentials, Awards & Tributes Committee of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) for a significant contribution to the development of sport science through research.

In line with my short and long-term goals, interests, and passion for research, I took the decision to pursue a second PhD. I am currently an MPhil/PhD postgraduate research student at the University of Greenwich, London. My project explorers the effectiveness of microcurrent electrical stimulation and resistance exercise on counteracting the loss of muscle mass and strength which accompanies aging.

I provide a range of services in London, mainly specialising in teaching gymnastics, and I am involved in different scientific projects as an independent scientist. I am a 3-time London Gymnastics Champion on Rings (winning the gold medal in 2015, 2016, and 2017), British Universities Rings Champion, British Gymnastics Champion for Masters athletes (30+), 4-time Sutton Gymnastics Academy Rings Champion (2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017), and I competed in a few international championships, many national, regional and masters competitions. In the following video, you can see one of my latest performance on Rings at the 2023 British Gymnastics Championships for masters athletes.


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